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Limited: Limited things you Cannot do in pickleball

Limited: Limited things you Cannot do in pickleball

Pickleball is an incredibly popular sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. Its widespread appeal has attracted players of all ages and skill levels. However, like any sport, there are specific limitations and rules that players must adhere to in order to ensure fair play. In this article, we will explore the limited things you cannot do in pickleball, providing you with a clear understanding of the game and enabling you to play to the best of your abilities.

1. Foot Fault

One of the most crucial rules in pickleball is to avoid committing a foot fault. A foot fault occurs when the server steps on or beyond the baseline before making contact with the ball. This violation can result in a fault or loss of serve. To avoid foot faults, players must ensure that their feet are positioned behind the baseline when serving and maintain this proper positioning throughout the game.

It is essential to emphasize the significance of proper foot placement in pickleball. By keeping their feet behind the baseline, players ensure that they are not gaining an unfair advantage by being closer to the net during their serve. This rule promotes fairness and equal opportunities for both the serving and receiving teams.

To avoid foot faults, players should pay close attention to their footwork and maintain a strong sense of spatial awareness. By consistently positioning their feet behind the baseline, players can ensure that their serves are legal and in accordance with the rules of the game.

2. Non-Volley Zone Violation

The non-volley zone, commonly known as the kitchen, is an area close to the net where players are not allowed to hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce first. Violating this rule, also known as a non-volley zone violation, can lead to a fault. Players need to be aware of their position on the court and avoid hitting the ball while standing inside the non-volley zone.

Understanding the importance of the non-volley zone is essential for players to have a fair and balanced game. This rule prevents players from dominating the game at the net by volleying the ball before it bounces. By requiring players to let the ball bounce first, it allows the opposing team a chance to react and return the shot.

To avoid non-volley zone violations, players should pay close attention to their position on the court when hitting the ball. Stepping into the non-volley zone before the ball has bounced is a violation of the rule. It is crucial to develop a keen sense of spatial awareness and maintain a proper distance from the net to avoid any rule infractions.

In addition, players should familiarize themselves with the specific dimensions of the non-volley zone to ensure they are positioned correctly. This zone extends 7 feet from the net on both sides. By adhering to the non-volley zone rule, players can maintain a fair and competitive game.

3. Out-of-Bounds Shots

Another limitation in pickleball is hitting the ball out-of-bounds. When a player hits the ball beyond the court boundaries, it is considered out-of-bounds, resulting in a fault or loss of point. Players must develop their control and accuracy to ensure that their shots stay within the designated court area.

Having control over the placement of shots is crucial in pickleball to avoid out-of-bounds shots. By staying within the court boundaries, players maintain fairness and prevent any advantage gained through hitting the ball outside the designated areas.

To improve control and accuracy, players can focus on their grip, swing technique, and body positioning. By honing these skills, players can consistently keep their shots within the court boundaries, avoiding any faults or loss of points.

Moreover, understanding the dimensions of the court and its boundaries is essential. The standard pickleball court measures 20 feet wide and 44 feet long, with specific lines marking the boundaries. By familiarizing themselves with these dimensions and practicing shot placement, players can enhance their game and minimize the occurrence of out-of-bounds shots.

4. Double Bounce Rule

The double bounce rule is a fundamental aspect of pickleball that restricts players from hitting the ball out of the air during the first two shots. According to this rule, the serving team must let the return serve bounce once, and the receiving team must also let the serve bounce once before hitting the ball out of the air. This ensures a fair and balanced game, allowing both teams a chance to return the serve.

The double bounce rule plays a crucial role in promoting fairness and equal opportunities for both the serving and receiving teams. By requiring both teams to let the ball bounce once, it prevents the serving team from gaining an unfair advantage by hitting the ball out of the air.

To adhere to the double bounce rule, players must focus on their timing and be patient when returning the serve. They should allow the ball to bounce before making their shot, ensuring that both teams have an equal opportunity to play and showcase their skills.

It is important to note that the double bounce rule only applies to the first two shots of the game. Once the ball has bounced on each side, players are free to hit the ball out of the air if they choose to do so. By understanding and respecting this rule, players can contribute to a fair and engaging game.

5. Carrying or Slingshotting the Ball

In pickleball, players are not allowed to carry or slingshot the ball. Carrying refers to holding the ball on the paddle for an extended period, while slingshotting involves the player flicking their wrist to launch the ball at a high speed. These actions are considered illegal and can result in a fault. Players must make clean and controlled shots, avoiding any form of carrying or slingshotting.

This rule ensures that players rely on their skill and technique rather than using unconventional methods to gain an advantage. By prohibiting carrying and slingshotting, the game maintains a fair and level playing field for all participants.

To avoid carrying or slingshotting the ball, players should focus on their swing technique. A smooth and controlled swing will prevent the ball from lingering on the paddle or being launched with excessive force. Players should also be mindful of their wrist movement, ensuring that they do not engage in any slingshot-like actions.

By practicing proper shot execution and avoiding carrying and slingshotting, players can contribute to a game that is true to the spirit of pickleball.

6. Deliberate Interference

Deliberate interference is another limitation that players need to be aware of. It involves intentionally obstructing the opponent's shot or hindering their movement on the court. Players must maintain good sportsmanship and avoid any deliberate interference that may disrupt the flow of the game. Respect for the opponents is crucial in maintaining a fair and enjoyable playing experience.

Respecting the rules and the opponents' right to a fair shot is an essential aspect of pickleball. Deliberate interference, such as blocking the opponent's shot or obstructing their movement, goes against the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship.

Players should understand the importance of allowing the opponents to execute their shots without interference. This includes refraining from blocking or obstructing the opponents' path to the ball or intentionally distracting them. By maintaining a respectful and sportsmanlike attitude, players can contribute to a positive playing environment.

It is also important to note that accidental interference may occur during the course of the game. In such cases, players should communicate and resolve the situation amicably, ensuring that fairness is maintained.

7. Illegal Serving

Serving is a critical aspect of pickleball, and there are certain rules that players must follow to ensure a legal serve. Illegal serving includes striking the ball above the waist level, performing an underhand serve that fails to clear the net, or stepping on or beyond the baseline before making contact with the ball. Players must familiarize themselves with the proper serving techniques and avoid any illegal actions to prevent faults and loss of serve.

Understanding and adhering to the rules of serving is essential in pickleball. By following the specific guidelines, players can ensure a fair and competitive game.

To avoid illegal serving, players should focus on their form and technique. The serve should be performed underhand, with the paddle striking the ball below waist level. It is also crucial to clear the net with the serve and avoid any contact with the baseline before making contact with the ball.

By practicing and refining their serving technique, players can consistently execute legal serves, avoiding any faults or loss of serve.


Pickleball is a fantastic sport that offers immense enjoyment and friendly competition. However, to play the game successfully and within the rules, players must be aware of the limitations and restrictions. Understanding the limited things you cannot do in pickleball, such as avoiding foot faults, non-volley zone violations, hitting out-of-bounds shots, following the double bounce rule, refraining from carrying or slingshotting the ball, avoiding deliberate interference, and adhering to legal serving techniques, is crucial. By respecting these limitations, players can have a fair and competitive game, enhancing their overall pickleball experience.


1. What is a foot fault in pickleball?
  - A foot fault in pickleball occurs when the server steps on or beyond the baseline before making contact with the ball. It is a violation that can result in a fault or loss of serve.

2. What is the non-volley zone in pickleball?
  - The non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen, is an area close to the net where players are not allowed to hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce first. Violating this rule can lead to a fault.

3. What happens if I hit the ball out-of-bounds in pickleball?
  - Hitting the ball out-of-bounds in pickleball is considered a fault or loss of point. Players must develop control and accuracy to ensure their shots stay within the designated court area.

4. What is the double bounce rule in pickleball?
  - The double bounce rule in pickleball restricts players from hitting the ball out of the air during the first two shots. Both the serving and receiving teams must let the ball bounce once before hitting it.