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Basic Pickleball Rules for Dummies

Basic Pickleball Rules for Dummies

Pickleball is a fun and exciting paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It can be played by people of all ages and skill levels, making it a great way to stay active and socialize. If you're new to pickleball and want to learn the basic rules, this article is for you!

Introduction to Pickleball

Pickleball is played on a rectangular court, either indoors or outdoors, with a net dividing the two sides. The court dimensions are similar to a badminton court, measuring 20 feet wide and 44 feet long for doubles play. For singles play, the court width is reduced to 10 feet.

The game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes, similar to a wiffle ball. The objective is to hit the ball over the net and land it within the boundaries of the opponent's court, while following the rules that govern gameplay.

Pickleball is a versatile sport that can be played in different settings, including indoor and outdoor courts. Its court dimensions, similar to a badminton court, provide players with ample space to maneuver and engage in competitive gameplay. The use of a paddle and a plastic ball with holes adds a unique element to the game, allowing for precise control and strategic shot placement.

Serving the Ball

1. The serve is initiated from behind the baseline, within the right-hand service court for the first serve.
2. The server must hit the ball underhand, below the waist, and diagonally across the net.
3. The serve is made diagonally to the opponent's service court, and it must clear the net and land within the boundaries of that court.
4. The receiving team must let the ball bounce once before returning it, and the serving team must also let the return bounce once before hitting it back.

The serve in pickleball is a critical aspect of the game, as it sets the tone for each rally. The server must stand behind the baseline and within the right-hand service court for the first serve. This position allows for a strategic angle to hit the ball diagonally across the net, aiming to land it within the opponent's service court. The underhand serve, executed below the waist, ensures fair gameplay and prevents excessive power.

Once the serve is made, both the receiving and serving teams must abide by the bounce rule. The receiving team must let the serve bounce once before returning it, while the serving team must also let the return bounce once before hitting it back. This rule promotes longer rallies and fair play, as it provides an opportunity for both teams to engage in the game.


1. Pickleball uses a rally scoring system, meaning that points can be won by both the serving and receiving teams.
2. Only the serving team can score points. If the serving team fails to score, the serve passes to the receiving team.
3. Games are typically played to 11 points, but some variations may require 15 or 21 points to win.
4. In doubles play, both partners on a team get the opportunity to serve before the serve passes to the other team.
5. If the serving team wins a point, the server continues serving from the opposite service court. If the receiving team wins a point, they become the serving team.

Pickleball utilizes a rally scoring system, allowing both the serving and receiving teams to earn points. This system creates an equal opportunity for each team to showcase their skills and competitiveness. Only the serving team can score points, and the serve transfers to the receiving team if the serving team fails to score.

Games in pickleball are typically played to 11 points, although some variations may require 15 or 21 points to win. This scoring system ensures that each game is engaging and allows for a clear winner. In doubles play, both partners on a team have the opportunity to serve before the serve passes to the other team, adding an element of teamwork and strategy.


1. After the serve, both teams must let the ball bounce once before hitting it back. Once the ball has bounced, both volleying (hitting the ball in the air without letting it bounce) and groundstrokes (hitting the ball after it has bounced) are allowed.
2. The ball must stay within the boundaries of the court during play. If it goes out of bounds, the opposing team earns a point.
3. When hitting the ball, players must avoid hitting it into the kitchen or non-volley zone. This zone is a 7-foot area on both sides of the net, and players are not allowed to enter it unless the ball has bounced there first.
4. If a player hits the ball into the net or out of bounds, the opposing team scores a point.
5. The game continues until one team reaches the predetermined number of points.

Once the ball is in play after the serve, both teams must adhere to the bounce rule. This rule requires the ball to bounce once before it can be volleyed (hit in the air without letting it bounce) or hit as a groundstroke (hit after it has bounced). This rule ensures fair gameplay and allows players to showcase their skills in both types of shots.

During gameplay, it is essential to keep the ball within the boundaries of the court. If the ball goes out of bounds, the opposing team earns a point. This rule encourages players to focus on accuracy and control in their shots.

Another crucial aspect of gameplay is avoiding hitting the ball into the kitchen or non-volley zone. This zone, located 7 feet on both sides of the net, restricts players from entering unless the ball has bounced there first. This rule prevents players from gaining an unfair advantage and promotes balanced gameplay.

If a player hits the ball into the net or out of bounds, the opposing team scores a point. This rule emphasizes the importance of precision and control in every shot.

The game continues until one team reaches the predetermined number of points, adding an element of excitement and anticipation to each rally.

Strategies and Tips for Beginners

1. Practice your serve: Mastering the underhand serve is crucial in pickleball. Work on your aim, speed, and consistency to gain an advantage over your opponents.
2. Keep it low: Hitting the ball low over the net can make it harder for your opponents to return. Aim for a low and controlled shot to increase your chances of winning points.
3. Communication is key: In doubles play, communication with your partner is essential. Let each other know who will be taking the shot and avoid confusion on the court.
4. Positioning matters: Try to position yourself strategically on the court to cover as much ground as possible. Anticipate your opponent's shots and be ready to react quickly.
5. Practice your footwork and agility: Being able to move swiftly and change direction quickly can give you an edge during rallies. Practice your footwork to improve your agility on the court.

To enhance your pickleball skills, there are several strategies and tips that beginners can implement:

1. Mastering the underhand serve is crucial in pickleball. Practice your serve regularly, focusing on your aim, speed, and consistency. A well-executed serve can put pressure on your opponents and increase your chances of winning points.

2. Aim to hit the ball low over the net during your shots. A low and controlled shot can make it harder for your opponents to return, giving you an advantage in the rally.

3. Communication is key, especially in doubles play. Coordinate with your partner, letting each other know who will be taking the shot. Effective communication reduces confusion and enhances teamwork on the court.

4. Position yourself strategically on the court to cover as much ground as possible. Anticipate your opponent's shots and be ready to react quickly. By positioning yourself strategically, you can maximize your chances of returning shots and winning points.

5. Improve your footwork and agility through dedicated practice. Being able to move swiftly and change direction quickly can give you an edge during rallies. Focus on your footwork to enhance your overall agility and maneuverability on the court.


Pickleball is an enjoyable sport that can be easily learned, even if you are new to it. By understanding the basic rules and practicing regularly, you will quickly improve your skills and have a great time playing. Remember to stay within the boundaries, communicate with your partner, and have fun as you engage in this exciting sport!

Pickleball offers a unique blend of various racket sports, making it an engaging and accessible option for individuals of all ages and skill levels. By familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and strategies, you can confidently participate in this fun-filled sport. Regular practice and a focus on technique will allow you to enhance your skills and fully enjoy the exciting world of pickleball!


1. What are the court dimensions for doubles play in pickleball?
  - The court dimensions for doubles play in pickleball are 20 feet wide and 44 feet long.

2. How should the serve be executed in pickleball?
  - The serve in pickleball should be hit underhand, below the waist, and diagonally across the net.

3. How is scoring done in pickleball?
  - Pickleball uses a rally scoring system, where only the serving team can score points. Games are typically played to 11 points.

4. What is the bounce rule in pickleball?
  - After the serve, both teams must let the ball bounce once before hitting it back. This applies to both the receiving and serving teams.